Saturday, July 2, 2011

two chicanes and a bump

alright, it's been two weeks since our trip to Lillooet for camping, cycling, drinking happened, but since I was ASKED to write something, and I'm trying hard to be a good person, I've written this and decided to plagiarize my wife's work at the same time (hey, I said TRYING).

Chessa wrote the following blog about the trip here:

unfortunately, she's right - I did get her sick, so the trials and tribulations of Lillooet that she experienced were slightly different than those the rest of the Mighties may have experienced. to complete the other perspective, it was amazing to do that much climbing (3,300 meters) in a 200km weekend (two days) was awesome with so many killer friends.

Ryan was kind enough to share some photos here:

but to get you a shot of the good stuff:

also, chocolate bananas:

and to elaborate on the title, the bumpy roads of the Duffy highway, though picturesque, make your feet fall asleep. they are covered in ice cracks, separated in sections and driven to rise and fall from the weight of hundreds of CANADREAM RVs rented by wandering tourists. warned by Shane in one of the corners for the "two chicanes and a bump", we decided it needs to be a Mighty Riders drink. I'm guessing, by what Andrew, Claire and Ryan were drinking, it should be Jack, Jim and, maybe, coffee.

Thanks to Matt and Emily, for driving my bike out, Haley for pro tips and marshmallows, Louis for low calorie beers. Bear and Bison for eating the scraps, and to Shane for driving me, Chessa and our crap out there.

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