The view from our doorstep at the cabin. Boats, horseshoe pits, and hot tub outside. Pool table, shuffle board, wireless and satellite TV inside.
Some enterprising individual put a lawn chair in the middle of nowhere at a perfect lookout side over Carpenter lake.
View from the chair.
Cleo hiding in the tent from play fighting black bears at the Seton Lake BC Hydro campsite.
I had my garmin with me for my two rides: Monday and Wednesday.
Not everything was great. The rocky roads on the way up to Lillooet, and between Lillooet and Gold Bridge caused us two flat tires fixed at two different tire garages in Lillooet.
Rest of the pics.
There are tons of gravel roads, fire roads and mountain bike trails to explore right out of the cabin at Gun Lake, all with fantastic views. The cabin can sleep many, so there's already been talk about renting this cabin again in the Fall or next Summer at the latest. Should be able to fill a cabin easily with Mightys and crew.
1 comment:
This may be the first time a spambot has the right phrase.
Looks like an epic destination!
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