Numbers were pinned. Pedals were turned in anger. Tales of glory were told and some were even true. Another successful Spring Series campaign has wrapped up. The weather was it's usual crazy, inconsistent lower mainland spring-self and there were a few epic races as a result but also some sun. No, really.

Meat racing and no snow or mud in sight. Weird.
Spring Series is all about getting back into shape. There were the usual good results, pack finishes, OTB's, DNF's, DNS's but most importantly I believe we had NO weekend with the worst outcome, the DNB. Along the way, Mighty had some (extended) podiums:
Andrew (B group) - 3rd at River Road RR, 2nd at 232nd RR
Vic (Novice) - 4th at 232nd RR
Jenny (B group) - 3rd at Aldergrove RR

Mighty Ladies working together.

Ryan fighting the 'home' team EV'ers.

Jenny pushing on the hill at Aldergrove. For those unaware, Jenny has 'graduated' to the Cycling BC Provincial team which is sponsored by Local Ride. Follow her exploits here and on the Cycling BC website. This last weekend she skipped the Spring Series to climb atop the podium twice in Oregon.

Ryan at the front doing work.
That wraps up a busy March. Hopefully you are feeling faster and ready for the upcoming 'real' racing. I've said it before: be sure to get out and push yourself in a race, because it's the only way to find your true limits. You can train as serious as you like and have the fanciest bike but don't forget to just get out and play on it. As Jazz legend Charlie Parker said, "Master the instrument, master the music. Then, forget all that shit and play."
A big thanks to Doug Brons for the excellent photos. And full results for the Series can be found here.
Oh, and DNB is 'Did Not Beer'...