Thursday, July 16, 2009

Riding with Zeb

Zeb took me riding in the Kooteney's. Judging by the pics, Zeb is pretty f#%king cool. Jumbo Pass glaciers. Quick, see them before they melt. This would be another perfect place for a Mighty cross team training camp... Monsieur Clint Bonjour?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Tom Foolery.

Bad, bad Morgan. Looks like you coulda out ran him. I'm thinking I buy the beer next time if you Steve McQueen it...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Results Everywhere!

WOWSERS! What a week for Mighty! We have our first National Champion as Lisa Dorian won the Women's 40+ Time Trial and was second in the Road Race. Awesome.

On Canada Day we had a whole bunch of strong rides at the Yaletown Grand Prix. Stacey won the Women's Cat 4 race. In the Men's Masters race Maurizio managed a 5th place in a very hard and fast race. Perhaps the craziest result was Brandon crashing on his last lap in the Cat 4 Race but getting back up and crossing the line for 3rd - luckily his break was far enough ahead he could pick himself up and finish. He wins the hard man award for sure but it looks like he got more than enough post-race attention...